Sunday, April 29, 2007

Today wasa very borning day =/, but it was so nice out that I decided to take more pictures. Too bad I was to lazy to work on my project...blah its due on tuesday too! I'll just have to finish it all tomorrow ^^; lol.

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

I took new pics today ^_^! I got a haircut yesterday :O
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Friday, April 27, 2007

My dad was in a really bitchy mood today...was kinda annoying. School went by pretty fast, then after school Johanna&Ariel&I all went to the mall together. It was a lotta fun haha lots of laughs. We went to see "The Invisible", which was actually a pretty good movie. I enjoyed it a lot. 2 people fell down during the movie, and we had a fat girl who kept laughing oddly hahaha it was hilarious. After the movie, we walked around a bit and saw a lotta ppl. from our school there! Right be4 we went home this group of lil'girls no older than 10 went "where is your mom" and Johanna heard and said "where is yours." They heard her and this one lil'girl gave her the direst look and they kept on lookin' at her. It was so funny ahahaha!

Today was a lotta fun...=( this weekend I got the SS proj. though gahhhh I wish I started it. Procrastination sucks.....I'm not looking foward to it at all.&Hot 뜨거 by 1TYM isn't coming out of my head at all. I love this song hahaha irine played it for me back in like Oct. during marching band (on the bus) and then yesterday we were listenign to it and I finally DL'ed it. Hot 뜨거 is amazing song!@_@ ah

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Well, I have been debaiting on if I should get a blog space for awhile, and I finally decided to get one. I don't know how long/often I will be able to update it, but I'm pretty sure I will try and update it as often as possible v(''*)! Anyways, for those of you who don't know my name is Anthony, and I am currently a Freshman at MTHS. This year is going pretty well and very swiftly! I can't believe its almost over seems like it just started. Blah.... guess all things come to an end eventually. Today wasn't a very interesting day haha just got home and became a couch potatoe for most of the day. Irine and I did listen to korean music during Band though. She also wrote out the korean alphabet for me, while I wrote out the japanese alphabet(well some of it because I got lazy xP). Then I wrote "I love you" in chinese and kelcey did too haha and then we wrote 1-10. Meh, yesterday was an OK day. I stayed after with my friends and we talked the entire was pretty nice. Tuesday was a really fun day though =] I stayed after school to hang out with my friends. On the way to stop&shop Robert,Angeline, Johanna, and I all had so much fun and laugh! We even seen an old lady randomly fall over(it was really funny ahaha...). Then after school that day, Johanna and I went to play tennis agaist each other in Thompson Park for a bit over an hour. That was a lot of fun even though both of us arn't that great at it... Overall, today has been a pretty good week !

あの。。。こんにちは皆さん。僕はカルソアントニイです。 ^^;えと、アメリカ人です。。。けど日本とても好きです。<3<3<3日本!!!今日は元気です。^^;私の日本語がとてもわるいです!ちょっとわかります=「です。 ^_^; 今、私はMTHS学生です。楽しいです!此れは。。。^^;面白い。。。とても面白いですw。あの。。。。じゃね・さよなら・またね・じゃ!=)(^、^)シ