Thursday, April 26, 2007

Well, I have been debaiting on if I should get a blog space for awhile, and I finally decided to get one. I don't know how long/often I will be able to update it, but I'm pretty sure I will try and update it as often as possible v(''*)! Anyways, for those of you who don't know my name is Anthony, and I am currently a Freshman at MTHS. This year is going pretty well and very swiftly! I can't believe its almost over seems like it just started. Blah.... guess all things come to an end eventually. Today wasn't a very interesting day haha just got home and became a couch potatoe for most of the day. Irine and I did listen to korean music during Band though. She also wrote out the korean alphabet for me, while I wrote out the japanese alphabet(well some of it because I got lazy xP). Then I wrote "I love you" in chinese and kelcey did too haha and then we wrote 1-10. Meh, yesterday was an OK day. I stayed after with my friends and we talked the entire was pretty nice. Tuesday was a really fun day though =] I stayed after school to hang out with my friends. On the way to stop&shop Robert,Angeline, Johanna, and I all had so much fun and laugh! We even seen an old lady randomly fall over(it was really funny ahaha...). Then after school that day, Johanna and I went to play tennis agaist each other in Thompson Park for a bit over an hour. That was a lot of fun even though both of us arn't that great at it... Overall, today has been a pretty good week !

あの。。。こんにちは皆さん。僕はカルソアントニイです。 ^^;えと、アメリカ人です。。。けど日本とても好きです。<3<3<3日本!!!今日は元気です。^^;私の日本語がとてもわるいです!ちょっとわかります=「です。 ^_^; 今、私はMTHS学生です。楽しいです!此れは。。。^^;面白い。。。とても面白いですw。あの。。。。じゃね・さよなら・またね・じゃ!=)(^、^)シ

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