Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Well, I've actually been debaiting on if I should keep this blog or not. Life has been so crazy that I havn't had a chance to write in it at all. So much has happened in such little short period of time. I don't really think I'll go in deep, but many emotions happened both happy and sad, impatience and excitement and nervousness. Just too much has happened to blog, most of it is hanging out with my friends. The last 2 days in Lab Bio we've been disecting animals(amazingly fun), but tomorrow is our last day. Some classes get to disect a shark too, but we don't. Blah, I really want to too! I did so bad on my Italian oral presentation today :(... I got so nervous and forgot how to say everything in italian. I def. bombed that...goddamn. Oh well, it could have been worse I guess, and atleast it was only a quiz grade! Today, I also went to apply for a job at Monroe Village w/ Johanna ^^. I hope we both get it <3~

Homework load has been so much lately, due to all the teachers tying to fit in all this knowledge in our brains before finals. Meh, atleast this week is our last full week of school. Blah, school has been going by too fast. Everything just flashed by me. I can't wait for the summer though. Also, its 2 days til I'm 16 ^^. Yay :) Also the same day as my birthday is the 1st marching band practiced, -.-; but we see the new people, so it should be very interesting!

Ahh~~~ <3 Life. =] Hopefully, I'll be able to keep this up and I won't be so lazy somedays and so busy other days. Hahaha =]. Oh yah, I went to see Pirates 3 w/ Johanna last friday. We saw Ogetchi,Kevin, & Alex there. It was cool, but they didn't come up by us to watch the movie. Oh well...haha. I fell alseep in that movie a few times, and got confused in other parts. It was OK I guess....not as good as some peopel are making it out to be. Blahahaha. Yay for huge posts that don't even explains 1/10 of what happened in the time that I havn't been blogging. Oh well....

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