Saturday, May 12, 2007

Clarinet lessons today was so embarassing...I really need to stop practice and practice. I blame it all on myself, because I suck so badly. Gah.

Atleast I read 10 pages of Lord Of The Flies today and did 2 pages of my italian notebook(redoing it for the final). I didn't play DDR today blah. I really suck at sticking to my workout ahaha <3 but its the weekend so its OK. Tomorrow, I'm really going to try to play for 30mins-60mins.

Johanna,John(her bro),& Purssiany(her bro's bf) went to 6flags today too(we just got back). It rained at like 8 so they closed everything down even the indoor rides. It sucked we only went on 2 rides lol. Oh well thats life and it makes a good story(I guess).

Tomorrow is Mother's Day & a barbacue my parents are throwing at my house for my family -_-;. I'm never going to get anything done(too much homework). I don't get it, I thought the end of the year ment less hw cuz everyone stops doing it lol...

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