Monday, May 14, 2007

Well, I went to DC today to go to the Holocaust mesuem and it was pretty fun(they didn't let us take pictures though :( ). I got a few random pics though that I might upload tomorrow hahaha if im not lazy. Anyways, the trip was a lot of fun. Waking up at 4:30 AM wasnt as hard as I thought it would be. It was actually pretty easy. It was very cold in the morning, and I had to wait outside for like 15mins for the bus >_<. Once we got in I sat next to melissa tow hahaha =] and we watched The Incredibles. The first stop was short hahaha we ate then went right back on the road. It took 3hr. to get to the meseum!!! It was crazy long, but worth it. Christina,Jack,Kate,Demi,Tom, and Brian where in my group and Mrs.Simmons was my shaporone. =] She was kinda slow cuz she read everything but it was OK cuz I like to read the things too heh. Its crazy what happened during the holocaust and all the people that died. They even looked at peoples head size,eye color, nose size, etc to see if they were good enough to live. Not only did they kill Jews but they also killed Homosexuals,Interracial children(or sterilized them so they couldn't have babies), other races(gypies,etc). Its just crazy how so many people died because of Hitler >_<. All this was only 60 years ago which is also crazy cuz so much has changed since then! It lasted 1933-1945(if I remember correctly). There was just so much information in this place that only staying in there for 4hours(or was it 3...) was not enough hahaha. So many displays and artifacts @_@ it was crazy. Also the tests that they ran on people(like air pressure, etc) was horrible. Everything these people went though was just insane...i'm glad its over! There is so much I could write, but I don't wanna write every detail and everything I saw/learnt. =/ On the way home we saw a lot of monuments like the capital building and stuff which was pretty cool. Hahaha we took another long drive, and the pit stop this time was much longer than the other one XD. We ate then went back o nthe road. On the way back we watched Sky High(which was a pretty good movie). Hahaha I fell alseep so many times on the bus though ...I was afraid I was gunna be a whore(cuz when I sleep I become a whore) and go all over melissa like I did on Rico and Jordan during the way home from the Florida Band Trip! Hahaha well =] I finally got home at 8.

=] No DDR or working out for me today. Heh....=] anyways hopefully I can upload the pics from today(the very few pics cuz we werent allowed to take pics inside the musuem) and put them on here tomorrow!

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