Wednesday, May 16, 2007

=] I had my band concert today. Probably the best concert I ever preformed in in all my years of doing concerts! =] In the program I had a * next to my name because I was a section leader too ^,^. It was pretty long though x.x; I was there 6:30-9:40,blah. Thats a really long time for warming up,preforming,etc. lol not to mention I got home even later! It was really good to start marching band music blah xD! Oh well...not more concerts when I am a freshman anymore =]! I can't wait til I am a sophmore, yet I don't want to be one. Its going to be a huge change and better courses next yr(and I get higher parts in band because I been there long/some of the older people are leaving), but then I won't be in the same classes with my friends or lunch and it will be a complete change. I guess change isn't that bad...but chances are I won't have any classes with any of my close friends since im in mostly honors next year... grr...Oh well I guess I'll live each day by day and worry about that later seeing as its 4 1/2 months off =]. Hopefully, Johanna and I can go to 6flags on friday, but if we don't we're going to just see Shrek 3 together. Meh.... =] Can't wait for the weekend!

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