Thursday, May 17, 2007

Today was a lot of fun, but I got none of my homework done and I got a lot today :(. Right after school, Johanna and I went to Angeline's house to hang out. We went into the woods behind the Rec, and followed this hobo because we were bored. We lost him at one point, because he went really deep in the woods. I noticed the foot steps though so we were able to keep following him. As we got towards the end we saw a bit off was this weird house with a blocks of wood a bit in front with chains attached to it and a hammer. As we kept walking on the path all this weird twisted metal(a shit load of them) appeared and then we saw a shack. We were all taking pics with our phones, and then we looked around, but didn't go near the house yet. My photo box was full so I was clearing out photos so I could take one of this huge area facing away from the house with all these weird colorful sculptures...and then I heard "whore" and I turn around and the hobo is outside the shack looking at us. We all run away and managed to get away! The road off the main path too his house was so odd though! First it was guarded by all these broken off car doors, and then as you went deeper there was all these random items of trash everywhere. Some even scattered on the floor! I remember seeing a like computer chip type thing(it was green) on the floor and pointing to it. After that we walked to BB nails to see Sureen and Navien. We hung out there for a bit and laughed and talked a lot. After all that hanging out and having fun, we went back to Angeline's house for dinner. Then we hung out in her room after dinner, and laughed a lot and too random vids with my phone haha. Then Angeline asked if we wanted to play with a Ouija board, and I wanted to but Johanna was hesitant. We then decided to play it and said a pray and played. It was really slow at first and didn't work, but then it started to work a bit. It was soo odd....we kept playing for a long time asking so many questions. It was so much fun and a bit scary too! I don't know what to believe bout them anymore.... Today was so much fun though <3 too bad I gotta go finish my HW& stil take a shower now haha. Probably one of the most fun "going over someone's house" adventures I ever had! =]

Haha these past few days I ate so much food and junk food and didn't work out at all really lol. I guess I'll always have that little bit of fat on my stomach... oh well not much I can since I can't really have enough self control to eat better and working out is kinda hard for me hehehe :).

Anyways :D tomorrow is a 1/2 day at school and if it rains we're going to see Shrek 3 & if it doesn't then I'm ging to 6flags! I can't wait til tomorrow cuz I know its going to be a lot of fun too <3 yay=]~

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