Sunday, May 6, 2007

Yesterday was crazy >_<. I went to the mall with my parents and shopped(and got new shoes hahah). Then when I got home it was night and I was trying to fall alseep but couldnt at all. Eventually I fell alseep and woke up to crying and vomiting. My brother was insanely drunk(and he is a depressed drunk O_O) and on the vurge of alcohol poisoning. He kept vomitting and shit and saying how he needed my parents. Meh... I don't think I'll ever drink alcohol ever. I just hate what it does to people, and I have no idea why people drink it at all. Is it so hard to just drink water instead?!?!

Anyways, I'm to lazy to write all the details so I'll just skip the rest&talk about my day today :D. I didn't get much rest last night, because of allergies so I'm crazy tired>_<. Also all these meds arn't helping at all. Gah, I really hate allergies, but meh today still was fun even with them starting up again.... I went to see Spiderman 3(great movie!) with my friends Christina,Jordan, and Adam. Haha it was pretty cool, and I really enjoyed the movie. 15minutes until the new Charm School episode <3 yay ! =] I think thats all I will write for today. o.0 I'm debating on if I should try and learn the korean alphabet(even though I only know like 5 korean words lmfao).

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